Philosophy Hammer
Destroy the idols of the New Age with the Nietzsche philosophy hammer.
A new type of devoutness without God Nietzsche proposed to destroy, "philosophizing with a hammer."
The story
Nietzsche VS. the World
The game is inspired by the book "Twilight of the Idols, or, How to Philosophize with a Hammer" - a collection of essays by Friedrich Nietzsche, where the postmodernist-Nietzsche deconstructs the philosophy of the New Age.

The philosophers of the Enlightenment destroyed the authority of religion, but created new transcendental values instead: humanism, democracy, belief in the limitless possibilities of the human mind - these are religious constructions hiding under the mask of secularism, but in reality opposed to reality.
In the game, Nietzsche is depicted as a medieval knight who moves round the level, destroying idols with his philosophy hammer.

The scene filled with classic arcades symbolizes the intellectual world of the philosophy and education, aesthetically inheriting Antiquity.
Idols of New Age
Metaphysical ideas (idols) of Western European civilization - humanism, socialism, patriotism - are presented by fragments from historical paintings. "Freedom leading the people" personifies the humanism of the New time, the worker from Diego Rivera's fresco – represents socialism, Napoleon by Jacques-Louis David – represents the republican ideals of the French revolution, of which he was at the beginning of his way, and the allegory "Genius of America" by Adolphe Yvon is an allegory of patriotism .